Last week I accidentally caught a glimpse of myself side on in the mirror in a public bathroom... Wow. There was curvature. Interesting.
A week later (now 13 weeks and 6 days), and there are definitely certain things I can't wear anymore. There have certainly been some bemused colleagues pointing in my direction... My wonderful mother turned up this week and helped me find some ace maternity jeans and work trousers.
Still not sure I definitely look pregnant, and worried that I'm just looking a bit fat. Unless you know me particularly well and that I normally have a flat tum and have lost 5.5kg since getting pregnant!
Otherwise, this week has been pretty good. Have only puked a couple of times, which is another gradual improvement. ALthough the vomiting does seem to be getting more forceful when it does happen. Was actually sick in my mum's car this week! Good work. Still really really fussy about my food and prefer things that have no flavour at all... Still getting very dizzy, especially first thing in the morning. Have nearly fainted a few times when standing up for a while, and my consultant now forces me to sit down during bedside teaching. This is embarrassing, but necessary. Guess my blood pressure's going down.
So what's the bub up to? Well apparently, it's now 8cm long. Makes lots of funny faces and if you prod my tummy it does a sucking reflex cause it thinks it's time to breastfeed.
We found out the sex of the baby last Friday and I'll be writing a new post on this soon... Also coming soon, more on our plans for a home birth - all very exciting!
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