Thursday, 3 December 2009

Shooting Your Own Roots

So... Here's the wee roots of my own that I've been busy shooting over the past 13 weeks.

It's the oldest cliché, but pregnancy is actually the most amazing miracle. It's such a wonderful idea. God could have planned a number of other, simpler, more straightforward way of replacing the population... Babies could be left in cabbage patches or be delivered by storks. People could just pop up fully grown, magically appearing from nowhere, able to care for themselves, resilient, independent.

But instead, they grow inside other people?!

What a privilege to get to grow a little person inside yourself. To watch it grow and develop, stretch your skin, start to move around... and then to help if out into the world, where you will need to care for and protect it if it's to survive beyond day one.

What a magical way of creating new life. You couldn't think up this kind of fairy story if you tried.


Kristina Strain said...

OH MY GOD congratulations! What a happy thing. When does the world get to meet the little tadpole?

Jenny said...

11th June 2010 apparently! We'll see about the accuracy of that...

Nishant said...

data entry work from home